Bet size
Win amount
Win chance
How it works?

This is a free web application that runs entirely in your browser. You can test your dice strategies with the provided free play money. If you lose all of it, you can refill your initial balance and start over.

How to play dice?
Step 1: Set Your Bet Size
  • Decide how much you want to wager.
  • Use the bet size input to enter a specific amount.
  • Ensure your bet size doesn’t exceed your available balance.
Step 2: Choose Your Payout Multiplier

Adjust the payout multiplier to change your winning odds and potential reward:

  • Higher payout: Lower chance of winning but bigger rewards.
  • Lower payout: Higher chance of winning but smaller rewards.


  • A 2x payout might give you a 50% chance of winning.
  • A 10x payout might give you a 10% chance of winning.